The role of the Swedish Corporate Governance Board is to promote the development of Swedish corporate governance. A key aspect of this mission is to ensure that Sweden has a relevant, modern and effective corporate governance code for listed companies.
Good corporate governance is about companies being run in a way that takes into account the interests of all shareholders and that gives the company's various stakeholder groups insight into how operations are governed and how any conflicts of interest are managed.
The currently applicable Code is the revised version of the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (January 1, 2024). The Code is to be applied by all companies whose shares or depository receipts are traded on a regulated market in Sweden.
The responsibility for the Takeover rules, the Rules on remuneration of the board and executive management and on Incentive programmes and the Recommendation on private placements have as of 1 July 2021 been transferred to the Stock Market Self-Regulation Committee (ASK). The rules are available on ASK's website, see
Revised Corporate Governance Code comes into force on 1 January 2024
Today, the Swedish Corporate Governance Board presents a revised version of the Swedish Corporate Governance Code. The revised Code is applicable from 1 January 2024.
Proposed changes to the Code submitted for open referral
The Swedish Corporate Governance Board has presented proposed amendments to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code for open referral until 10 November 2023. Among the proposed changes is a new rule requiring listed companies to hold in-person shareholders’ meetings.
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The Swedish Corporate Governance Board is one of five executive bodies within the Association for Generally Accepted Principles in the Securities Market. The non-profit association operates on the principle of self-regulation, which means that experts from different fields collaborate on the setting of regulations and standards, interpret regulations and review how the sector complies with regulations. The goal is for the Swedish securities market will be one of the most well-functioning, long-term sustainable and confidence-inspiring in Europe.
The Association's other four executive bodies